How to Send an SMS With a Company Name

With a Sender ID, you can dispatch SMS messages under your company or brand name, displayed prominently in the recipient’s phone’s “from” field. This unique name or standard mobile number as a Sender ID ensures your texts are easily recognized and lends credibility to your messaging.
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Using our app, you can quickly and easily schedule your messages to be sent at a future date and time – up to a year into the future.

You can schedule your messages to go out the day before your latest special goes live, or as a reminder of an appointment, meeting or event. You can even schedule SMS messages to yourself, to remind you of any events, meetings or perhaps a quick reminder of your to-do list the next morning.

Follow these steps to schedule an SMS message in our Web App:

  1. Login to your SMSLOCAL account
  2. Click on “New Message” on the left hand taskbar
  3. Compose your message, and then click on “Schedule”
  4. Choose the date and time you’d like your SMS to be sent, and then click “Set Schedule”
    Click “Schedule Now”

If you’d like to know more about scheduling text messages.