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The Guide to Utilizing Text Messaging in Human Resources Management

Enhancing staff communication with SMS technology is a core offering at smslocal, ensuring streamlined and effective team interactions.
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Communication is a crucial element in the day-to-day operations of any Human Resources (HR) department. Tasks ranging from recruitment and contracts to payroll and managing employees necessitate constant interaction with staff, which can be both time-intensive and expensive. Consequently, numerous HR experts have adopted a straightforward yet effective approach: SMS, to maintain regular and efficient updates for their teams.

Why opt for SMS? Besides its universal availability on mobile phones, SMS offers rapid, direct contact with all employees. Let’s explore the top 8 ways SMS is revolutionizing communication for HR departments globally:

1. SMS for recruitment

For HR teams aiming to connect with potential employees, SMS proves to be the perfect tool. It enables them to efficiently communicate with job applicants regarding job openings, subsequent follow-ups, and interview reminders.

2. SMS for on-boarding of new employees

Employ SMS to enable reciprocal communication between HR and new hires. Welcome new staff members on their first day with SMS messages, providing them with essential information ranging from accessing the company intranet to recommendations on where to find the best coffee.

3. SMS regarding employee Schedules

If your business involves generating weekly or monthly schedules for employees, SMS serves as the perfect instrument for this task. It allows for the swift and effective distribution of these schedules to all employees. Additionally, employees have the convenience of responding directly to these SMS messages to highlight any issues or conflicts in their schedules. For situations requiring urgent communication, such as last-minute changes, SMS provides an immediate means to reach multiple employees simultaneously, similar to the approach used by HD Chauffeur Rides in organizing their team schedules.

4. SMS for payroll

HR departments often handle numerous payroll-related inquiries. To reduce the time spent on phone calls or arranging meetings, SMS can be utilized to quickly confirm leaves or address any payroll questions. Additionally, SMS provides a digital record that can be archived and reviewed when needed.

5. SMS for important announcements

To circumvent the clutter of noticeboards and the need for superfluous meetings, opt to dispatch SMS messages to all employees. These messages can convey a range of information, including updates on benefits, available job positions, policy renewals, and the company’s monthly objectives.

6. SMS for reminders

Utilize SMS to send reminders to individual employees or specific groups to prevent absences, overlooked training sessions, or unmet deadlines. This method is efficient for conveying reminders about upcoming company events, meetings, and looming deadlines.

7. SMS for opt-in groups

Offer employees the choice to subscribe to specific distribution lists or broadcast groups through SMS opt-in features, such as keyword prompts. For instance, employees in certain areas can text a specific keyword like “HEALTH” to sign up for SMS alerts regarding the latest health trends or organizational initiatives.

8. SMS surveys

Collecting staff feedback on their preferences and requirements is essential for upholding positive company morale. Distribute surveys through SMS to acquire important insights and implement changes that enhance the company’s cultural environment.
Regardless of a company’s size, the HR department is crucial in relaying company processes and procedures. In the absence of a dependable and efficient communication method, HR could expend excessive time and energy. SMS assists HR personnel in optimizing their communication with both current and prospective employees, guaranteeing that everyone stays informed, engaged, and up-to-date consistently.


Leverage our SMS API to automatically dispatch SMS messages directly from your HR software system.


Utilize our Mobi-gram feature to append PDFs, payslips, and notices to your SMS messages.

Web to SMS

Organize reminders for meetings and internal surveys with our Web to SMS service.

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